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About Jingkun Automation

Kunshan Jingkun Automation Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 and is located in China Energy Conservation (Kunshan) Circular Economy Industrial Park. It is mainly engaged in the design and manufacture of non-standard automation equipment. Involves industries such as complete vehicles and parts, electronic appliances, household appliances, aerospace, rail transit, medical equipment, toy textiles, etc. He has mature experience in automated assembly inspection, robot system integration, welding laser, auxiliary tooling and fixtures, etc. Our automatic assembly machine, robot workstation, laser and welding protection room, robot external axis and ground rail, positioner and other products have a competitive advantage in the industry.

At the beginning of the company's establishment, it served Tyco, Lenovo, HP and other world-renowned Fortune 500 companies, and developed Amphenol, Sensata, and Li Fu Gao. (Nifco, Fein, Saet, Trumpf) and other well-known multinational companies and domestic A-share listed companies such as Ortega and Cosen, as well as Aerospace Intelligence and BMW China The business of potential customers. The company began to participate in the robot integration project of well-known robot companies KUKA and ABB in 2017, and has become our current main business.

  • 18717921219
  • 18717921219
  • zhang_wade@jikatec.com
  • Building 36, China Energy Conservation Industrial Park, No. 2980 Huanqing Road, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province
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